Want to join Exodus?
You've come to the right place.
Joining Exodus is easy and it's also free
(see below for details).
To get involved, fill out the following information. We'll send out a
confirmation e-mail. Once we have the confirmation, you can LOG IN!
The name you pick here can be used on all Chatlands™ sites. Please
pick an appropriate name. You may be required to change your username if
a site administrator decides it is inappropriate for any reason. The name
you choose must be unique and it must be at least three characters long.
If someone has already registered the same name on any Chatlands™ site, you will have to come up with a different one. Names consist of
only uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers or hyphens ('-').
Other symbols are not permitted. We prefer that you make use of mixed
case (like this: "JohnSmith") instead of all lowercase
or all UPPERCASE ("johnsmith",
Choose a good password! Use letters and numbers and mixed case. Make
it hard to guess and don't give it to anyone, not even an administrator,
because we will never ask you for it! You are responsible for what
happens on your account. If someone guesses your password or sits down
at the computer while you are logged in, you will be held responsible
for their actions and your account might get banned!
Your avatar color:
[ help ]
Pick a color from the list and that will be your starting color for
your avatar on this site and other Chatlands™ sites that use color
Your birthday:
[ help ]
Please enter your REAL birthday. If you are under 13 years old, we'll
send a confirmation e-mail to your parents e-mail address because
legally we can't ask a person for any personally identifiable informaion
(like an e-mail address) if we know that person to be younger than 13
years old. So, if you're less than 13, we'll send an e-mail to your
parent (or legal guardian) and we'll describe the site and how you
signed up for it. We'll ask for permission to let you use the site.
VERY IMPORTANT: Do not lie about your age!
The odds are quite good that we will eventually find out and YOU WILL
BE PERMANENTLY BANNED! We take the COPPA laws very seriously, and of
course you should too!
We send a validation key to this e-mail address. You will need to respond
to this message by clicking on a link. This demonstrates that it is a
valid account. You have to do this in order to use Exodus. Please
make sure that what you enter here is a valid e-mail address, OK? And make
sure that you keep a valid e-mail.
We send your parent (or legal guardian) a validation key and we ask them
for their permission to let you access this web site. Your parent indicates
they agree by clicking on a link. This demonstrates to us that this is a
valid account and that you have permission to be on our site. Please note:
Your parent has to give us permission in order for us to let you use
Chatlands™. Please make sure that what you enter here is a valid
e-mail address, OK? And make sure that you keep the e-mail address updated.
IMPORTANT NOTE: We only allow registration from a small list of email
services. You must already have a valid email address on one of the
following email services in order to create and validate your
Chatlands™ account:
aol.com, gmail.com, icloud.com, me.com or
Without a valid e-mail address, we cannot send you
a new password if you forget your old one.
You can use Chatlands™ accounts for free, but but if you want to
get access to custom poses, or to have your own personal chatroom on the
site, you will need to purchase Chatlands™ Deltas. Deltas are used
to buy a subscription as described in the chart at the bottom of this page.
You cannot transfer any Deltas out of your account unless you have a
valid e-mail address.
You cannot change your Exodus username unless you have a
valid e-mail address in your profile.
We will use your e-mail address, that to verify various other changes
besides your username that you might request. If you do not have an
up-to-date (working) e-mail address, and someone guesses your
Exodus password, they could conceivably steal your account.
We will not send you spam or sell your personal information to spammers.
See our privacy policy
for more details.
NOTICE: By applying for a Exodus account, you are signifying
that you have read our terms of use and you agree to abide by the policies
* You can create a free account
on Exodus. However, certain Exodus features are
available only to paying subscribers. These features aren't available for
the free accounts. Also, free accounts expire after more than 30 days of
inactivity, after which the account is removed. Free accounts have
limitations compared to "Basic", "Standard", "Preferred", "Elite" and
"Ultimate" accounts.
Back to Top
Table showing subscription types and costs in Deltas.
| Rate1
| Poses
| Rooms
| Objects2
Free |
Δ0.00 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Basic |
Δ0.06 |
5 |
0 |
0 |
Standard |
Δ0.12 |
10 |
1 |
5 |
Preferred |
Δ0.20 |
50 |
10 |
10 |
Elite |
Δ0.25 |
150 |
15 |
20 |
Ultimate |
Δ0.33 |
2000 |
50 |
50 |
Note 1: This amount is deducted daily from your account.
Note 2: Customizable room objects will be available soon.
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Exodus Login Page ]
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