Chatlands™ Statement of Privacy
Exodus Chat
We at Chatlands™ respect your privacy. While we do collect various
statistics about our users, such as your email address, IP addresses, chat
server logs and other operating logs that are used by our system software,
we do not share this information with anyone, except for official requests
from law enforcement. We take these measures to protect your privacy.
Information Collected:
Chatlands™ collects e-mail addresses from all of its registered users.
There is a downside to being anonymous. By being anonymous, there is no
way to tell you are who you say you are. If an anonymous user loses his
or her password, for instance, we can't give them a new one. There is,
after all, no way for us to know they are who they say they are and not
just someone trying to steal a password.
Chatlands™ provides fields for users to post their names or other
contact information. This is purely optional and no one has to fill
these fields out. We ask our younger users to please leave these fields
We may also use cookies and track IP addresses to help
distinguish one user from another. This is used to ferret out
troublemakers, not to keep track of what the rule-abiding users are doing.
We log conversations and significant actions (such as kicks and bans) in
our ongoing efforts to provide a harmonious chat environment. These logs
are kept private. They are not shared with any other company.
Access to Collected Information:
All information collected by Chatlands™ (such as logs and IP
addresses) is held in strict confidence. All voluntarily entered
information (such as real names) is not. If you do not want this known,
do not fill it out. Your e-mail address will be hidden by default and only
shared if you un-click the "hide e-mail address" checkbox.
Socket connections are always made directly to the server and your IP
address is never sent to other chatters. Your password is one-way
encrypted, and the conversation logs are kept in a directory that cannot
be accessed with a browser. Potentially harmful or privacy invading
packets are filtered by our server.
Your private information such as logs can only be accessed by the chat's
alphas, and IP addresses can only be accessed by the chat's alphas and
betas. Extracts from these logs are discussed when necessary in the
admins only forum. This information is never sold to a third party.
Information Control:
You may update your personal information by clicking 'info' from within
the chat or by clicking "my info" from the map page. You may
use the info editor to change your options, such as whether your e-mail
address is hidden or shown. The default is always hidden.
Although Chatlands™ does not transmit information on encrypted
channels, we have taken many steps to bullet-proof our server against
spoofing that could result in the exposure of your personal information.
To keep our security precautions effective, we need your help. Be sure
you choose a hard to guess password to protect your account. Do not
share this password with anyone, ever. Doing so undermines most of the
precautions we have taken.
We use an extra layer of security for certain types of transactions, when
the "stakes are higher". For instance, if you try to cancel your
account, or transfer deltas from one account to another, or
change your primary e-mail address, first we send you a
confirmation e-mail, in order to verify this transaction. That e-mail has
a link in it that you click on to verify the action.
Chatlands™ sends e-mail to its users to verify the ownership of the
account. By keeping a valid e-mail address in our database, we can protect
your account from theft. This address is never shared with third parties,
and we will make every effort not to use this address unless we feel it
is absolutely necessary. We will not "spam" you. Any participation in a
mailing list will be at your request. If you do participate in a mailing
list, you will be able to discontinue participation at any time.
Changes to this Policy:
If there are any changes made to this policy, we will post a notice on
the website to bring it to our users' attention.
Notice to Parents:
As said above, we take many precautions to protect the user's privacy,
however, we can not do it alone.
This service is unmoderated and unfiltered. We cannot be
held responsible for what is said or done within the chat or through the
associated message systems.
You need to educate your child about the risks in any
chat-room environment. Young users should never give out personal
details such as real names, addresses, phone numbers or the school they
attend. They must be taught about the dangers of meeting online friends.
These are very real hazards. Either educate your child, or do not let them
use social networks and chat environments such as Chatlands™.
If you feel that Chatlands™ is not abiding by this posted policy, we
urge you to contact William Underwood immediately at
with all the details you can supply. We will endeavor to investigate any
reported case promptly.